Thursday, June 28, 2007

Tune My Organ, Please!

Tune more. Fix cipher. Email Bigelow Organ to come tune it. Buy and wire pedal light.


This is a follow-up to a call I made Thursday inquiring about who could tune my Casavant 1M/P tracker which I just set up in my organ room (see photo). I just got back from tearing it down and packing it up (from a balcony!!) in Whitehall, NY, trucking it across I-80, unloading and setting it up in my Orem home. I was told that either Mike or David might be available to tune it for me sometime next week. If not, I hope you could refer me to someone in the valley who could do it.

The Casavant is from 1972, and has 8 ranks, 6 stops: Gedackt 8', Prinzipal 4', Rohrflote 4', Gemshorn 2', Mixture III and a subbass 16'. There is also a slight problem with a cipher when the pedal coupler is engaged. (This is probably due to me getting distracted as I hooked up the rear pallet pull-down wires.) I will remove the subbass pipes from the rear of the cabinet ahead of time to allow access to the pipes.

I am Richard Adams, 1014 E 850 N in Orem. You can call me 801 2261357 or reply to this email. David has been in my home, playing the old 2M/P Mason & Hamlin reed organ, just like one he relished in former years.

Thanks for any help you can offer.

Richard Adams

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